Teach Yourself to Draw 2
Learning to draw is a long, steady process. In fact it never ends! People ask me – `How long would it take me to learn to draw?` I say -` A lifetime`. Even after nearly 40 years I still feel like a beginner, especially when I see the work of the really great masters –

Teach Yourself to Draw No1.
How do artists manage to draw such complicated scenes, objects, people etc.?By simplifying. Learn the basic forms – Cube, Cylinder, Sphere, Cone. Then you will be able to see through the surfaces and draw the underlying forms. It was a revelation to me, With practise (daily if possible) youcan see these forms everywhere you look

Teach Yourself to Draw
I`m coming up to 40 years as a professional artist. I have no degree, I am self-taught, or rather, I have learnt from the thousands of artists who have gone before me.So now I feel it is time to pass on what I have learnt and how I learnt and how I ended up busy

Valentin Serov (1865 – 1911)
Serov was, in my very humble opinion, the greatest ever Russian portrait artist.

Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914)
Was a political cartoonist at Punch magazine for most of his creer but is known for his superb illustrations for Lewis Carrolls – ` Alices Adventures in Wonderland`, `Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found There` and `Jabberwocky`. I never tire of looking at them, grotesque, funny and straight out of a wierd dream

Live portraits & caricatures at Edgware
4 charming people sat for me last weekend at The Broadwalk Edgware – a young couple from Rumania. a Ghanaian lady & an 88 year old lady with the spirit & attitude of an 18 year old.I will be at Luton this Friday 28th & Saturday 29th.For more dates of live appearances –